Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Greatest inventors of all time

Looking at modern society today, it would be difficult to see the world if it were one less engineering marvel or an invention was never created.  Imagine what the world would be like if the nail were never invented.  How would people build houses and buildings in the past? Would the world reach today’s technological level had the nail not have been invented?  To celebrate these man-made marvels, credit has to be given to the great inventors who have shaped the world with their inventions.  Here are some of the greatest inventors of all time.


Topping the list is one of the greatest Greek philosophers of all time.  Archimedes was also a great mathematician, the first person who was the closest to calculating the value of pi.  But besides this, he also invented several other machines such as siege weapons and the very first death ray which used mirrors to burn the sails of Roman ships.

Nikola Tesla

Although Tesla lived and died in relative obscurity, his inventions and theoretical work have paved the way toward today’s modern society.  His most celebrated works include his patents showing the basis of modern alternating electric power systems which gave birth to commercial electricity.  In his lifetime, Tesla was able to make 111 patents and is considered one of the greatest inventors of all time.

Thomas Edison

A lot of people give Edison credit for the light bulb, but that’s not the only thing he created.  In fact, he is one of the most prolific inventors who had thousands of patents under his name including one for the phonograph. 

Peter Zieve is an inventor and innovator with 23 patents, as well as a devoted husband, father, entrepreneur, engineer, and leader. He is also the founder and CEO of aerospace automation company Electroimpact, Inc. For similar reads, visit this blog.